Tag Archives: Texas

Baby Love!


Saturday June 2nd, brought some baby love for little Christopher Thomas. His baby shower was held at my Aunt Candy’s house in the Memorial area. People traveled from VA, NC, Austin, San Antonio… The love was most definitely felt!

The gifts were never ending.

Each guest was asked to bring a book instead of a card, and did we get bombarded with books. Christopher will be reading in no time! Check out some of the most entertaining photos from the day… Warning, Christopher’s momma looks like a crazy train. You have been warned…


And the craziest photo…. No clue what is happening here!

Chunky Monkey


72 days left!

Christopher Thomas Crancer is a chunky monkey. He is weighing in at around 5 pounds at this point. The doctor predicts that he will be above 9 pounds! This is what he is supposed to be at this point…

His growth does not come as a surprise. Having diabetes can bring on larger babies. With my diabetes under great control, the other option for his large size is genetics. My youngest brother was 9 pounds 5 ounces. This baby could end up being 15 pounds… Just kidding.

CTC is large and in charge. He moves A LOT! There is no doubt that he is happy and healthy. A lot of the jabs or rolls happen at night or in the morning. When he does move during the day, it usually takes me off guard. The best movement involves my stomach moving as well, such as the day my school ID jumped out of the corner of my eye… Weird? Yes, but it makes me smile each time.

Take a look at his photos below. WHO do you think he resembles at this point?

Standard Ultrasound (What a difference!)