Tag Archives: Pounds



CTC has made his mark… He has officially made it to the twelve pound mark. Sleeping more? Check. When I say sleeping more, it means four hours at a time. It is still not a full night, but we are making improvements. Christopher has made a lot of new friends since the last time we were here. The photos are plentiful… Don’t worry, you will see some here!

Speaking of new friends… He met someone his own size. Literally. They are four days apart… Arthur Higuera and Christopher Crancer. Let’s hope we don’t see their names in the newspaper for mischief.

Dude. Duuuuuuuuuude…


Future football teammates???

Gearing up for football season!

With football season coming up, CTC has a decision to make. UT or OU? MI or OSU? The Browns, The Lions, or The Texans? Hmmmmmmmmmm… Decisions. Jack claims that Christopher has a choice. We shall see. Who do you cheer for? Go Browns!

 The big news this week is that CTC has started sleeping in his room… during the day. He needs to sleep at least six hours before that becomes a nighttime routine. Two flights of stairs is too much at 3am… Christopher is pretty self sufficient. As I type, he is “napping”. Meaning, he is laying there, wide awake, checking everything out. Including his new mobile… Thanks to Amazon.


Even bigger news?! Cousins Laura, MaryKate, Ashtyn, and Tommy are coming this week from New Jersey! Great Aunt Caroline is coming with a HUGE hug… and he finally gets to meet Uncle John! Photos to follow… That is a lot of love in one week. Let the fun begin!!! Houston Restaurant Month is currently happening. We may have to take our NJ relatives to some of Houston’s greatest. Do you have a favorite?

We will leave you with a couple favorite photos from the past two weeks. You can check out more on my FB page, if you have not already… Have you met CTC?


Sumo. Wrestler.


8/11/2012 (AM)


xoxo, Crancer Inc.

Introducing Christopher Thomas Crancer…


He’s here!!!

On Monday June 18, 2012, I had an appointment with my OB. As we walked into the office that day, we had no idea that we would be at the hospital that night. My doctor felt it was best to admit me. My blood pressure was high, and as a diabetic, I am a higher risk for pre-eclempsia. After a lot of testing, they found out that I was doing well. My higher blood pressures were because of my swollen extremeties…. Oh boy. Literally.

Dr. Smith had scheduled a c-section for Friday June 22nd, which so happens to be my father’s birthday. But with my current status, my OB felt that waiting until the end of the week for a c-section would be ridiculous, I would go in ASAP.  There was no need to wait. GULP! June 20th at 7:45am was when it was all going down. Christopher was coming!

Fast forward a few hours… Surgery started at 7:59am and by 8:07am he was here! Weighing 8lbs. 7ozs. and 19.5 inches long, our boy had made it. We were parents!


Jack and I both had tons of tears as we heard his strong scream after delivery. The boy has some lungs! The typical tests were performed as they closed me up… They discovered that because of the c-section and being a bit early (37.5), that he had more fluid in his lungs than they wanted to see. Because of this, I was not able to see him right away. Thus we missed the usual “first family photo” in the OR. Sad face. They rolled him over in his oxygen hood and I got to see him before they wheeled him to the NICU. He was our little astronaut.


While in recovery the cord blood kit was sent off for storage. Despite having Christopher in the NICU, the knowledge of his cord blood and cord tissue in route made things better. His cord blood could save not only his life, but the lives of any future siblings, and possibly his mother. (Much thanks to all that donated to the cord blood registry. Christopher owes you a beer, at least…)                                                                                                                                                                                        http://www.cordblood.com/?mtag=CPXV&gclid=CLfynvaU7bACFQYKKgodi1jRwQ

After some rest and updates from my parents and Jack, I got to hold my son for the first time. It was roughly 8pm and it could not have come soon enough!


Christopher spent the first night in the NICU. As sad as that sounds, we had one more night to rest before the crazy sleepless nights began… And did they begin. Upon his return to us the next morning, we could not take our hands off of the little guy. In fact, he fell asleep in my arms the first night with us, and I did not let go. He woke up in my arms the next morning. BEST THING EVER!

On Friday, we learned that he had a bit of jaundice. He is A+ and so am I. I also had jaundice as an infant. He was put on a Bili Light for the evening… He went from an astronaut to E.T. He was only on the Bili Light for the night. The kid has a good immune system. Despite his dramatic start, he fought back from each dilemma quickly. He missed us.


On Saturday, we were released back into the real world. His outfit? A Guns n’ Roses onesie. Thanks Auntie Tatum! He is our sweet child o’ mine. We were all happy to be home as a family after a week of hospital hoop-la. Phew!


We had a rough week, but every second brought us closer. We love visitors… We hope you can come see us soon. The Crancer family is truly in business now… Watch for more frequent posts. Let the party of our lives begin… Yeehaw!

Have you met Christopher yet? He’s a keeper.

Chunky Monkey


72 days left!

Christopher Thomas Crancer is a chunky monkey. He is weighing in at around 5 pounds at this point. The doctor predicts that he will be above 9 pounds! This is what he is supposed to be at this point…

His growth does not come as a surprise. Having diabetes can bring on larger babies. With my diabetes under great control, the other option for his large size is genetics. My youngest brother was 9 pounds 5 ounces. This baby could end up being 15 pounds… Just kidding.

CTC is large and in charge. He moves A LOT! There is no doubt that he is happy and healthy. A lot of the jabs or rolls happen at night or in the morning. When he does move during the day, it usually takes me off guard. The best movement involves my stomach moving as well, such as the day my school ID jumped out of the corner of my eye… Weird? Yes, but it makes me smile each time.

Take a look at his photos below. WHO do you think he resembles at this point?

Standard Ultrasound (What a difference!)