Tag Archives: Movement

BUSY Week… 34.


 Christopher is ensuring that we know he is still here… He is moving more than ever before, maybe because he has had a BUSY week. The movement could also be from his excitement. He is about six weeks from his bday… 

  • He’s recognizing and reacting to simple songs. (He may find them soothing after birth.)
  • He’s also urinating about a pint a day. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww… 

Monday brought more photos of the little man. It was difficult to get a good photo, with his active nature in utero… You can make your own judgments, but looking at his photo, there looks like a huge finger on the right side. (Jack says he is the devil’s child… He is 50% Jack, sooooooo…) Ultrasound photographs are most definitely not the highest quality, but still amazing. The best part of this week’s appointment? I got to watch my son yawn. It is one thing to see him moving on the screen, but to watch something so human. AWESOME sauce. His arrival is becoming more real everyday… 

A bit on the creepy side… The image of his momma makes it better. Right? Haha.

On Tuesday, we attended an Infant CPR class at The Women’s Hospital of TX. (The hospital where I was born and Christopher will be born as well… Full circle.) The class itself was quick and helpful. Jack had tons of questions and, of course, competed with me when it came to the chest compressions. Typical. I believe I won.

On Friday, my doc ordered a NST. (Neonatal Stress Test) This is routine, especially for a patient with Type 1 Diabetes. Needless to say CTC is healthy. The doctor laughed when she saw how much he moves within a 15 minute time span. Again, we are in TROUBLE. We have an active kid, for which I can thank his father… Who NEVER sits still.                                                                                                                                                                    http://www.americanpregnancy.org/prenataltesting/non-stresstest.html

As the week progressed, some gifts for Christopher arrived. He has a collection of books already. According to his father, he will be reading by three, because he was reading at three. Well… I believe it will be closer to two. Haha. CTC is inheriting a lot of intelligence. What kind of intelligence? That has yet to be determined.

See “Of Mice and Men”? Starting him early… That is my copy from high school.

Check out a few more photos from the week: Love you CTC. You are almost here!

CTC’s bookshelf; Pre-touch up (Passed on from his momma), Buster Brown shoes, circa 1979 (Passed on from his momma), and Christopher’s new ride…


Kicking + punching = LOVE


CTC is now the size of a cauliflower! (27 weeks. About 90 days left!)

Christopher is at it again. Kicking all day everyday… Or maybe he is punching. We cannot decide if he is playing soccer or practicing for the UFC. He could be dancing. However, if his rhythm is anything like his father’s, he may be struggling to find the beat…

Jack got to feel his son move for the first time this weekend. He now goes in for a feelski a lot more… Knowing he will feel his son moving and grooving. This movement sprung some motivation to get some of the room put together. On Friday, the dresser started to take form. “I am the master of Ikea furniture now.” says Jack. His motivation was fun to watch… Thank you Christopher for helping your dad see that yes, indeed, you are there and cannot sit still.                                   

Take a look (The green you see is the color of the walls):


This weekend also brought the cord blood kit for collection at Christopher’s birth. They will collect both the cord blood and cord tissue. This is so vital for the future. Our hopes are that Christopher NEVER has to use his own cord blood or cord tissue… But it sure helps ease the worry. Not only could it save his life, but the life of possible future siblings or even momma. The cord blood registry link is below. (Click on the cord blood logo.) The kit has several components. Let’s hope we don’t leave the box at home the day CTC arrives… See the pics below and visit the cord blood registry site.


Sending much love from Texas. Remember… Christopher loves you.

Happy, healthy, and ACTIVE.


May 31st marks the 24th “diaversary” of my diagnosis with juvenile diabetes. Throughout those years there have most definitely been some ups and downs. At times, there was a fear that the idea of children was merely that, an idea. There have been many times where I wish diabetes was not a part of my life. At 26 weeks, it is a challenge, but also has it’s rewards.

Today CTC had an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist. Not because there are problems, but for precaution only. (As a type 1 diabetic, I will probably have a lot of doctor’s appointments that are just for that reason, precaution.) He is a lucky child. We not only get to see him at monthly OB visits, but we now know that his heart is healthy. All of his arteries are healthy and blood is flowing. Every inch of him will have been checked out prior to his debut. Not only is his heart healthy, but his activity is high. At the appointment today, he kept moving. It was great and fun to see him moving and feel the movement simultaneously. He cannot sit still… Just like his father.

Because of this thing called diabetes, we will be saving his cord blood for the future. It can, not only help him, but his possible future siblings and maybe even momma. (The risk of having type 1 is low.) CTC is registered at three different places. Check out the links on the REGISTRIES/Super Sites page at the top. Cord blood saves lives. Maybe Christopher will save someone elses life… He already has that potential.

Here’s hoping his health checks out after he is here… Christopher does have one question: