Tag Archives: Green

Kicking + punching = LOVE


CTC is now the size of a cauliflower! (27 weeks. About 90 days left!)

Christopher is at it again. Kicking all day everyday… Or maybe he is punching. We cannot decide if he is playing soccer or practicing for the UFC. He could be dancing. However, if his rhythm is anything like his father’s, he may be struggling to find the beat…

Jack got to feel his son move for the first time this weekend. He now goes in for a feelski a lot more… Knowing he will feel his son moving and grooving. This movement sprung some motivation to get some of the room put together. On Friday, the dresser started to take form. “I am the master of Ikea furniture now.” says Jack. His motivation was fun to watch… Thank you Christopher for helping your dad see that yes, indeed, you are there and cannot sit still.                                   

Take a look (The green you see is the color of the walls):


This weekend also brought the cord blood kit for collection at Christopher’s birth. They will collect both the cord blood and cord tissue. This is so vital for the future. Our hopes are that Christopher NEVER has to use his own cord blood or cord tissue… But it sure helps ease the worry. Not only could it save his life, but the life of possible future siblings or even momma. The cord blood registry link is below. (Click on the cord blood logo.) The kit has several components. Let’s hope we don’t leave the box at home the day CTC arrives… See the pics below and visit the cord blood registry site.


Sending much love from Texas. Remember… Christopher loves you.