Tag Archives: Doctor



F1RST Smile

Christopher is two weeks old. In those two weeks the list of F1RSTS has grown. This will be the F1RST of many posts like this, as he experiences things for the F1RST time.

F1RST Bath

F1RST visit to the pediatrician

The best F1RST so far would be his F1RST 4th of July. Not only was it a holiday, but it marked his two week birthday. Yes, he witnessed fireworks. Yes, he passed out while watching the fireworks. Either way, he was a trooper with the noise and our annoying picture taking all day. His outfit was changed a couple times, as he tends to pee on himself. He is a boy alright!

The outfit he started the day in…



The outfit we thought he would end the day in… Not so much. He was changed AGAIN.


Lastly… Jack left for NYC on July 4th. It was hard for all of us, but thanks to the iPhone, we have FaceTime. It is something that will keep the THREE of us close. It is tough to have him gone for five weeks, but this is an incredible opportunity for his career. We love you and miss you.


Week 25


Your baby’s the size of an eggplant!
During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
Less than 100 days!
Christopher is growing… an attitude already. The nurse went in for the heartbeat and he kicked her. Bully! He let us see his face, but is was not quite ready for the world to see him yet. “Momma, stars have to make the crowds wait.” Check out his latest pics below. Let’s hope he smiles and cooperates once he joins us…
Seriously… Look at his parents: We are NOT afraid of the camera.
We may be in trouble.