Tag Archives: Bookshelf

Our Little SUMO Wrestler


Halfway through week 36 and things are starting to get REAL! Christopher is growing and getting quite plump. According to the high risk OB, he is roughly 8lbs. 6ozs. Really? That is a sumo wrestler. We are at week 36, but he is measuring at week 38… Check out the comparison. Eeeeeek! Sumo. Wrestler.


You ready to see what he looks like in utero? Keep in mind that he is squished in there… Kind of like smooshing your face against a copy machine. Sumo wrestler. Linebacker. He is chunky. Here you go…

Because of his size, he may come earlier that July 7. There has been a lot of swelling in both my legs and my feet. The docs are a bit worried and may induce in the next couple weeks…. Really? Oh my. Like I said… Things are getting REAL! We are ready to meet our little chunk. He moves A LOT.  He definitely makes his presence known. Christopher has a lot of people ready to meet his chubby cheeks.

Because of the possibility of his early arrival, lots of things are happening this week. The carseat was inspected and is TX approved. (You must have it inspected to take the kid home from the hospital.)

Jack and I are meeting with his pediatrician Thursday. There are a lot of questions and we are excited to meet her. Dr. Monica McGrann is her name and she is with Bootin and Savrick Pedriatrics. Looks like a pretty sweet place to take your kid. It was reccommended by TW Tara Alcancia Johnson, my amazing art sidekick at school. Thanks!                                                                                                                                     http://www.bootinandsavrickpediatrics.com/dr-mcgrann

Baby Christopher has a room. It is almost finished…. We are not sure how anyone finishes their nursery prior to the arrival of the baby. Seriously. Take a look at the finished bookshelf and the crib, which for now, houses other baby things. Haha.


Until next time… Are you ready for another Crancer/Buffett in this crazy world? Ready or not… He is coming SOON!