Tag Archives: Belly

Happy, healthy, and ACTIVE.


May 31st marks the 24th “diaversary” of my diagnosis with juvenile diabetes. Throughout those years there have most definitely been some ups and downs. At times, there was a fear that the idea of children was merely that, an idea. There have been many times where I wish diabetes was not a part of my life. At 26 weeks, it is a challenge, but also has it’s rewards.

Today CTC had an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist. Not because there are problems, but for precaution only. (As a type 1 diabetic, I will probably have a lot of doctor’s appointments that are just for that reason, precaution.) He is a lucky child. We not only get to see him at monthly OB visits, but we now know that his heart is healthy. All of his arteries are healthy and blood is flowing. Every inch of him will have been checked out prior to his debut. Not only is his heart healthy, but his activity is high. At the appointment today, he kept moving. It was great and fun to see him moving and feel the movement simultaneously. He cannot sit still… Just like his father.

Because of this thing called diabetes, we will be saving his cord blood for the future. It can, not only help him, but his possible future siblings and maybe even momma. (The risk of having type 1 is low.) CTC is registered at three different places. Check out the links on the REGISTRIES/Super Sites page at the top. Cord blood saves lives. Maybe Christopher will save someone elses life… He already has that potential.

Here’s hoping his health checks out after he is here… Christopher does have one question: