
CTC has made his mark… He has officially made it to the twelve pound mark. Sleeping more? Check. When I say sleeping more, it means four hours at a time. It is still not a full night, but we are making improvements. Christopher has made a lot of new friends since the last time we were here. The photos are plentiful… Don’t worry, you will see some here!

Speaking of new friends… He met someone his own size. Literally. They are four days apart… Arthur Higuera and Christopher Crancer. Let’s hope we don’t see their names in the newspaper for mischief.

Dude. Duuuuuuuuuude…


Future football teammates???

Gearing up for football season!

With football season coming up, CTC has a decision to make. UT or OU? MI or OSU? The Browns, The Lions, or The Texans? Hmmmmmmmmmm… Decisions. Jack claims that Christopher has a choice. We shall see. Who do you cheer for? Go Browns!

 The big news this week is that CTC has started sleeping in his room… during the day. He needs to sleep at least six hours before that becomes a nighttime routine. Two flights of stairs is too much at 3am… Christopher is pretty self sufficient. As I type, he is “napping”. Meaning, he is laying there, wide awake, checking everything out. Including his new mobile… Thanks to Amazon.


Even bigger news?! Cousins Laura, MaryKate, Ashtyn, and Tommy are coming this week from New Jersey! Great Aunt Caroline is coming with a HUGE hug… and he finally gets to meet Uncle John! Photos to follow… That is a lot of love in one week. Let the fun begin!!! Houston Restaurant Month is currently happening. We may have to take our NJ relatives to some of Houston’s greatest. Do you have a favorite?

We will leave you with a couple favorite photos from the past two weeks. You can check out more on my FB page, if you have not already… Have you met CTC?


Sumo. Wrestler.


8/11/2012 (AM)


xoxo, Crancer Inc.

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