Monthly Archives: July 2012

Model Material?!


Apologies for not posting these sooner. CTC is so awesome, that we cannot do anything else. Anyone else feel this way about their kids? This could change once he is a teenager…

Christopher’s one month birthday was on Friday July 20th. His F1RST photoshoot was that morning. (The lighting in the master bedroom is amazing in the AM.) CTC was a great model. He knew all the right “model” moves to ensure a fantastic shoot. This was my F1RST time as a newborn photographer. You be the judge… Should I pursue it? Haha.

Click on the image below to check out all of the photos on Flickr. Not only is CTC on Flickr, but he has made his debut on Jezebella Foto. Check out Jezebella Foto and Flickr…

How did you document your infant’s one month birthdays?

We will leave you with a favorite from this week…


Month ONE…


As you have noticed, blogging is not a top priority these days. CTC takes up time during the day and we would not have it any other way. We promise to update you more often as we start to get more sleep… We are working on that!

When we left you last, Christopher had just turned two weeks old… Fast forward two weeks and we are now looking at ONE MONTH! (One month photos are going to be posted on the blog this week. Pinkie swear!) After the last post a BIG milestone happened while Nana changed his diaper… His umbilical cord fell off. He is becoming more human everyday. CTC’s belly button is truly an awesome site. Check out the photo shoot post “fall off”. Cute eh?

Saying goodbye to the umbilical cord, means a real bath. Jack was able to witness the F1RST bath via FaceTime… Love.

The image above is normal… Check out the “crazy train” face we normally see below. Do you think CTC will take after his momma or his daddy?


Now that we have freaked you out… Let’s bring in the “awwwwwwwwwwwww” factor. CTC has met and hung out with many new friends. Visitors are always welcome. Remembering to take photos of all the visitors is sometimes too much to remember with exhaustion. We are working on that! Have you met Christopher?


Check out the following link and follow Mad Max and Family! They documented their visit to meet CTC. There are more photographs! Blogs, blogs… Everywhere. Check it out.                                    


 Christopher has had an eventful month of life. He is very social and loves hanging out. One of his most favorite parts of his F1RST month, besides birth, was meeting his MI grandparents. Grandma Nancy came to help for a week on 7/14/2012. We spent many days resting and hanging out. It was a great week! Grandpa Stein (Christopher’s namesake) and Grandma Paula came in from MI on 7/19/2012. Both sets of grandparents were here for the big one month bday on Friday 7/20/2012. CTC is loved by many in so many states and countries across the globe… Is your family close or far away?


 Because we LOVE to take a bajillion photographs of the little guy, here are a few more fun/cute photos from the last two weeks, leading up to 7/20/2012…



And my personal favorite…

Keep the blog close, as CTC’s one month photo update is coming THIS week. Are you ready for the cuteness?!?!?!



F1RST Smile

Christopher is two weeks old. In those two weeks the list of F1RSTS has grown. This will be the F1RST of many posts like this, as he experiences things for the F1RST time.

F1RST Bath

F1RST visit to the pediatrician

The best F1RST so far would be his F1RST 4th of July. Not only was it a holiday, but it marked his two week birthday. Yes, he witnessed fireworks. Yes, he passed out while watching the fireworks. Either way, he was a trooper with the noise and our annoying picture taking all day. His outfit was changed a couple times, as he tends to pee on himself. He is a boy alright!

The outfit he started the day in…



The outfit we thought he would end the day in… Not so much. He was changed AGAIN.


Lastly… Jack left for NYC on July 4th. It was hard for all of us, but thanks to the iPhone, we have FaceTime. It is something that will keep the THREE of us close. It is tough to have him gone for five weeks, but this is an incredible opportunity for his career. We love you and miss you.