Monthly Archives: March 2012

Week 25


Your baby’s the size of an eggplant!
During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
Less than 100 days!
Christopher is growing… an attitude already. The nurse went in for the heartbeat and he kicked her. Bully! He let us see his face, but is was not quite ready for the world to see him yet. “Momma, stars have to make the crowds wait.” Check out his latest pics below. Let’s hope he smiles and cooperates once he joins us…
Seriously… Look at his parents: We are NOT afraid of the camera.
We may be in trouble.





Getting ready for baby takes a lot of work. We have VERY gracious friends who have let us use their crib, glider, and other essential baby items. (All of which will keep Christopher entertained…. We hope.) The walls are a BRIGHT grassy green and the furniture is white or a light wood. CTC is his father’s son… He is a cool dude. Monsters and robots are his fave. “Momma, tell them to check out my registry.”

An entertaining room for Christopher? Of course. Our next step? Putting together all of the furniture… When will that happen? Hopefully soon. Pics to come as the nursery is finished…

What nursery trends have you seen?

Ikea Furniture:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       





The question has risen… Where is Christopher registered? The images above should take you directly to the registries, but if they do not… Visit the websites for Target, Amazon, and The Cord Blood Registry. You can search for the registry by our names…

Christopher is quite fond of everything on the registry. He will be a super cool dude, after all. He helped pick out everything you see…. So smart already. Taking after his momma, and possibly his dad…

The journey…


 Our life is about to change. In order to share news, links, ideas, and other things that may seem important to our family… We give you Crancer Inc. Whether you live far away or within walking distance, check it out often. Take a poke around. Do you have suggestions? Leave a comment. Leave some love. Here we go…  

21 weeks, 2 days.